Who is your Dining Hero?
If you have someone you'd like to nominate as your Dining Hero, please send your nomination with a brief explanation or note to Heather Lascelle at heather.l.lascelle@dartmouth.edu

If you have someone you'd like to nominate as your Dining Hero, please send your nomination with a brief explanation or note to Heather Lascelle at heather.l.lascelle@dartmouth.edu
"I enthusiastically nominate Bonnie and Steve, as true Dining Heroes of 53' Commons. They demonstrate unwavering commitment to kindness, and an unparalleled dedication to helping students, embodying the spirit of service. Whether they are helping students with dietary restrictions have delicious meal options, or simply brightening someone's day with a smile and conversation, Bonnie and Steve consistently go above and beyond the call of duty. Their genuine care and compassion create a welcoming atmosphere in the dining hall, fostering a sense of belonging for every student. Bonnie and Steve are a beacon of positivity, making our community stronger one meal at a time."
- Lynda Borowy
"With gratitude and thanks I nominate John King, he really cares about his job to the point that I must tell him that his shift is over. When we have been short-staffed, he has wiped the entire dining room by himself at the end of the night (really, he has saved me a couple of times). John is also a pleasure to work with and someone that others and I look forward to coming in when he is on schedule."
- Chad Lumbra
"I nominate Stacy as our Dining Hero. She goes above and beyond to help others and she is a great team player!
Thank you, Stacy, for all that you do- We appreciate you!"
- Elizabeth Rosenberger
"I'd like to nominate Darin who works at Collis as a Dining Hero. I go to Collis every single morning to get eggs for breakfast and have been doing so for 4 years. She has memorized my order, as well as that of many other people, and when I walk in, she smiles brightly, asks me how I'm doing, and starts cooking my eggs without another word. Sometimes, especially on cold snowy mornings, it is the promise of my perfectly cooked eggs that gets me out of bed. Darren and I have lovely little conversations every morning that are the perfect start to a day. I miss seeing her when I'm away from campus. She's great.
Darin has worked at Collis for 17 years and has worked the egg station ever since she started. She loves her job and loves the students!
When not at work she enjoys spending time with her Mom and Grandson along with her other family members. She loves to garden often canning what she has grown.
Thank you, Darin, very much!"
- Sarah Hutchinson
"Gratitude and thanks!! I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and thanks to Haishan Li for her help in translating allergy training classes and tests for several new employees.
Every Dining employee is required to participate in class reviewing information about food allergies, food intolerances and Celiac disease. We have several Chinese speaking employees who needed to complete the course and Haishan was gracious enough to sit in on several classes and translate both class information and test questions, as necessary.
Best news, all employees passed with flying colors!!
I couldn't have done it without Haishan.
Thank you Haishan, very much!"
- Beth Rosenberger, RDN
"Justin showed great leadership and went above and beyond to help!
He coordinated four buffet lines to provide speedy and efficient service to help the trips program meet their time lines.
He cleared the pot sink and all the dishes at MA's pot sink – still seeing the business needs, he then went and staffed the carousel to help the dish room get caught up.
Great above and beyond service. Thank you Justin for being such a great leader and team player!"
- Beth Rosenberger & Chef Courtney Bryan
"How many times have my student employees asked where our salads and sandwiches come from...and they have no idea about little magic Kristen Dimond and her team create downstairs at 1953 Commons. She must be recognized as she's not always noticed upstairs by students, or in dining café locations by customers.
She's kind, organized, responsible, creative and an amazing leader!
Kristen Dimond is my hero!"
-Alina Menard
"If it hasn't been challenging enough working under continually changing situations, from supply issues to quarantine service to being short staffed nearly every day for more than a year – it finally happened. Covid hit our team and we went from working at being 20% short staffed to 60% short staffed, taking out our team leader Sam, as well as Stuart in the process!
Josh stepped in to take charge and fill that role – working nearly non-stop long days directing our team of one from our building (Dean!) and the fabulous Mr. George on loan from Courtyard Café - he guided them and got it all done. He even directed a fast moving team of two on several days borrowed from FO&M – while answering question after question at a dizzying speed!
I am beyond thrilled at the level of service our team was able to maintain, and again – do what they do best – make us all look good!!"
- Beth DiFrancesco
"I would like to nominate Dylan Griffin as a Dining Hero. Dylan has a smile on his face everyday, even when he is buried in entrees. He singlehandedly cooks enough food to feed a small army everyday, and always has a positive attitude towards the students and his coworkers. We need more people like Dylan brightening up everyone's day!"
- Colin Farr
"I would like to nominate Tanaka as a Dining Hero!! She greets every customer at Ramekin with a huge smile and her joy is so contagious. She also remembers regular customers and their orders. I love her!"
- Kathlene Yeo
"I would like to nominate Rachel Sperry for a Dining Hero. Her dedication to Courtyard Café and her team is admirable and inspiring. She is always willing to go the extra mile to help serve our students. Whether cooking on the line, making salads, running the register, or coming in on her days off, Rachel is a manager her team can truly count on to do what it takes."
- Kris Piquette
"I would like to nominate Erin Clark as a hero. Erin loves to take care of people. She has been like a mom or big sister to many student staff over the years. She supports the students every day and makes sure they have what they need to succeed. She has worked tirelessly serving students as customers and co workers for over 20 years. Many customers in the morning know, they don't have to say a word and Erin will start making their order when she spots them in line. Many students have come in during reunion time to catch up with her. Each year, when many of our staff is graduating, they get a gift and handwritten card from Erin, so they know they are appreciated and will be missed. Erin is the glue that keeps Novack together. Thank you erin for all you do."
- Chris Robbins
"I would like to nominate Mr. Souleymane Marzouk as a Dining HERO! I am always thankful for Mr. Souleymane. He is always nice and makes me feel good to be a Dartmouth student. I wish there were more Souleymanes!"
- Harrison, '23
"I would like to nominate Beth R as a HERO! For many reasons. Just a few...
She is kind, caring, and thoughtful to everyone during this tough and trying time! She will wear any hat needed, no questions asked!
I have overheard her offer to make store runs for her allergen students that tested positive, on her own time out of the goodness of her heart.
She offered to make a grocery and pharmacy run for me while I've been out sick.
She donated many items for the holiday to our elder man Steve.
She is always offering a helping hand with a can do attitude."
- LeeAnne T.