Celebrate your student's birthday!

Are you a parent, family member, or friend looking for a way to celebrate a Dartmouth student's birthday while they are on-campus?
We have the answer! Dartmouth Dining is offering cookie and cupcake packages students can pick up at the Class of 1953 Commons on their birthday.
If your student has allergy concerns please reach out to Beth Rosenberger, our dietitian, to discuss which option is best for your student.
Your student will be contacted by Dining to let them know they have a "birthday surprise" waiting for them at our reception desk at '53 Commons. Once they arrive, the Dining team will recognize their special day in the form of a handwritten birthday card and our delicious gift pack.
*If you place a birthday order for your student please let them know that they will recieve an email from Dartmouth Dining regarding pickup of their gift pack.