We are here to take care of your dining needs and we want you to have a great experience! Please review the following bullet points to learn more about us.
Dartmouth Dining is part of Dartmouth College. We are not a separate or contracted company.
We have food available 19 hours a day, 7 days a week on campus.
We are committed to the wellbeing and safety of our students.
We carry emergency Epi Pens in all of our dining locations.
We have staff who are trained on the Heimlich Maneuver and CPR.
We periodically conduct ServSafe® and allergen training for our food staff.
We have a manager on staff who focuses on religious considerations concerning our dining program.
We have a full-time, confidential, internal Nutritionist/Dietitian who helps us with our menu and assists students with varying food needs.
We regularly work with Student Government on improving our food and service offerings.
We are always open to feedback from students. In fact, we receive over 10,000 texts annually on our text-n-tell service!
We are committed to paying a living wage to all of our Dartmouth Dining employees.
We partner with Willing Hands and the Upper Valley Haven on the Swipes for Hunger program which results in around $10K annually in meal donations to local Upper Valley residents.
We also partner with a variety of local and regional farms/vendors including McNamara's Dairy & Edgewater Farm in Plainfield, NH, Dartmouth's own Organic Farm here in Hanover, Red Hen Baking located in Middlesex, VT & many more.
We donate any and all leftover food to the Upper Valley Haven.
You can stay abreast of Dartmouth Dining news and events by visiting the events page on our website, joining the Scoop and/or by following us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!